전자회로2 치팅페이퍼 중간고사: Diffrental Amplifiers ~ Feedback 기말고사: Feedback ~ Analog Filter 노트필기/전자회로 2022.12.19
Analog Filter(2) contents: KHN biquards, Tow-Thomas biquads, General Impedence Circuit, Filter Response approximatiopn: Butterworth, Chebyshev 참고 자료 Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 3/e 노트필기/전자회로 2022.12.18
Analog Filter(1) contents: Sensitivity in Analog filter, Second order filter, Sallen and Key filter 참고 자료 Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 3/e 노트필기/전자회로 2022.12.18
Oscillators(2) contents: Phase shift oscillator, Wien-Bridge osciilator, Crystal oscillator 참고 자료 Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 3/e 노트필기/전자회로 2022.12.18
Oscillators(1) contents: startup condition, Ring oscillator, LC osciilator, Colpitts oscillator 참고 자료 Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 3/e 노트필기/전자회로 2022.12.18
Stability of Feedback & Frequency Compensation contents: phase responce of transfer function, stability in negative feedback, Barkhausen's Criteria, phase margin, Frequency Compensation 참고 자료 Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 3/e 노트필기/전자회로 2022.12.18
Feedback contents: Negative feedback system, Amplifier type, Sence and Retuen mechanism, polarity of feedback, input impedence of negative feedback, nonideal I/O impedence 참고 자료 Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 3/e 노트필기/전자회로 2022.12.18
High Frequency analysis of MOSFET contents: MOSFET's small signal model in high frequency, analysis with Miller theorem, Dominant pole approximation, input impedence in HF 참고 자료 Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 3/e 노트필기/전자회로 2022.12.18
Frequency Response, HF model of MOSFET contents: transfer function, Bode's Rule, pole identification, Miller's theorem, High frequency model odf MOSFET 참고 자료 Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 3/e 노트필기/전자회로 2022.12.18
Diffrential Amplifiers contents: Diffrential MOS pair, small-signal response, commom mode gain, CMRR 참고 자료 Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 3/e 노트필기/전자회로 2022.12.18